Saturday, November 1, 2014

Peter Pan...

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be older. Guess all children want and I was no exception. I imagined what it would be like to be big, to go to sleep whenever I want, to eat whatever I want, not to go to school and all the stuff adults do… And here I am, older… and it turns out, it’s not as fun as I imagined…

I was watching my daughter the other day. She is 7 and is able to enjoy every minute of her life, enjoy most of the things that are happening around her. I was watching her, thinking: I want to be able to do that. I want to be able to look at life as children do… No, I want to be a kid again… I want to be Peter Pan!!! Never to grow up.

People think being a child is easy: you don’t have to work to earn money; you don’t have to worry about every single thing; things are just given to you, without working too hard for it… But the truth is, being a kid is difficult, even more difficult than being an adult. You have to learn to live, learn to survive, learn so many things… But while learning all those stuff, we all lose the most important thing: we lose the ability to enjoy life; to love everything around us… We forget how to be happy!

There are too many things happening around us, all the time. We get tied up in all the problems around, not only ours, but others’ as well. And in the end, it turns out that our whole life is ONE BIG PROBLEM…

In this modern, liberal society, it gets very hard to lose yourself. It is difficult to even differentiate what is good and what is bad. It is even ‘cool’ to be a badass. I find it very hard not to lose the track; to still see the light, to still know what is right. There is this song by OneRepublic that says:‘I feel something so right, by doing the wrong thing;And I feel something so wrong, by doing the right thing.’

This is exactly how I feel. I think we are all lost. All of us, but children. And that’s why I want to be Peter Pan. I want to be able to enjoy every second of my life... I want to be able to forgive someone in a minute… I want to know what is right and what is wrong... I want to be able to be happy with what I have!!!

Please, don't worry too much and simply be happy with what you have!!!

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