Monday, September 2, 2013

Good night!!!

So, here we go... Haven't written anything for years, but probably there are times in life, when you can, or even need to go back to your old habits and do things you haven't done for ages. I used to write a lot when I was a teenager: used to have diaries and wrote pages and pages when I had difficulties, or even when I was just happy. I simply shared my life with pen and paper and it seemed perfectly fine. Then I started growing up, having less and less free time and gave up on this habit. Time after time wanted to get back to writing, but somehow never managed to. 

Anyways... Probably there is right time for everything in life... So now I decided to start this blog and share my new life with you. Who knows, maybe you'll find an inspiration in it!

I am 26 now, alone in my hotel room, about to make a big change in my life: give up on job I used to love more than anything and start searching for new aims, goals and horizons. I am afraid, which is probably a normal thing, and keep thinking: 'am I making a right choice?'...

One smart person once told me: "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get, what you always got, and you'll always feel what you always felt..." and there is much more... So considering unhappiness of my current situation, I decided to take a risk, get out of my comfort zone and do what I have never done before, in hope of getting something better, than I have been getting until now... and in hope of feeling better, than I have felt until now... At the end of the day, our life is all about feelings, isn't it? Even business...

It's a little difficult to decide to change your life significantly, especially professional life, the one you have been trying to build for almost 10 years. It's also difficult to search for something new, which has close ties with your past, but is NEW!!! But since the first move is made, and I recently left my current job, all there is left now, is to jump into a pool of new life. At this point, this pool is full of uncertainties, but who knows, maybe it will be a pool of joy and happiness. And after all, isn't it us who make our own life? Don't we drive our own future? Don't we decide how to fill out the pool? So I hope for the best and refuse to expect the worse!
Another wise person once told me (and yes, I tend to meet a lot of wise people in my life) that one has to try to be as positive in life as possible, in order to get positive outcomes. So I'll try to follow and say that this new life of mine is full of new opportunities and possibilities that I didn't have before. 

I am a very lucky girl! I have a wonderful family and friends, who love me and support me, no matter what path I decide to take. So when I said that I am about to quit my past and start new future, they appreciated and supported my decision. 

I guess this is the time I'm realizing that sometimes, YOU are the only one to help YOU, simply because no one else can do it for you. So I'll try to help myself and rely on ME. I will try to make my life interesting BY MYSELF. 

So, once again. Here I am, alone in my hotel room. It's 01:20 AM and YES, I'm a little afraid of future. YES, changes hurt. They hurt a lot. But probably my current situation hurts even more, so let's gather all strength and deal with this pain of change and turn it into pleasure, because I CAN!!!

Good night everyone!!!

August 29, 2013.
01:30 AM
Kazbegi, Georgia

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